
Friday, 23 August 2013


29year old Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg came into the limelight as the weird Harvard University undergraduate who, in 2004, built a website in his hostel apartment and went on to earn billions from it.

But since last year, he has begun to use his wealth of approximately $17 billion to exercise power and influence outside of his Facebook Office Building.

In this brief piece, I write about four ways he has succeeded in doing this with relative ease;

#1. Mark Zuckerberg is increasingly speaking up on global issues:

Zuckerberg has pumped millions of dollars into things like creating a TV advertisement urging US legislators to fix America's 'broken' immigration system.He has equally advocated for issues like helping undocumented immigrants (who were brought into the US as children.) to get American citizenship

#2. He has announced a new effort to bring Web access to nearly 5 billion poor people around the world:

Mark Zuckerberg has called access to the Internet a human right. He pointed out on Wednesday that he believes that everyone deserves to be connected, and on the Internet, so has put in, and will continue to put a lot of money and energy towards doing this, particularly in Africa and Asia.

#3. He has donated to schools and politicians from both Republican and Democratic political parties in America

At age 28, Mark Zuckerberg was the second-most generous giver in the United States.
He doesn't have any direct personal ties to a lot of cities, but in 2010, at age 26, he pledged a whopping $100 million of his fortune to helping out troubled schools.  Zuckerberg later pledged an even bigger sum, nearly $500 million, to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. But his philanthropy didn't stop there. In 2012, his charitable causes ranged from programs that teach immigrants English to groups providing food and shelter to the needy,and to funds for victims of the natural wildfires.

#4. Zuckerberg also spearheaded an effort for saving lives, or making them better:

He helped create the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, an annual award given to researchers whose work is "aimed at curing intractable diseases and extending human life."

The award pays recipients $3 million each -- twice as much as a Nobel Prize.

In conclusion, let us learn a lesson or too from young Zuckerberg about the proper use of power and influence for the betterment of humanity.

I say, Be Inspired!


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