
Sunday, 18 August 2013


The news is everywhere that World record holder Usain Bolt won the 200m sprint to receive a second gold medal at the IAAF World Championships on Saturday.

This victory was the third time Bolt won gold at the 200m stretch - which in itself is another record. 

He seems to baffle other athlete's as to the secret of his numerous records and victories both at the Olympics and the World Athletic Championships. But, here's what seems to give us a clue: Usain Bolt's great appetite for the opposite sex.

Napoleon Hill in his well-read book; Think and Grow Rich  pointed out that the emotion of sex has the possibilty of transforming a mediocre into a genius, when a person switches the mind from the thought of physical expression of sex to thoughts of a creative nature

According to him, Scientific Research has diclosed the following facts:

  1. The men of greatest acheivement are men with highly developed sex natures; men who have learned the art of sex transmutation
  2. the men who have accumulated great fortunes and outstanding recognition in sports, literature, art, music, business, industry, architecture and the professions, were motivated by the influence of a woman

    What more can I say?

See Usain Bolt,  for yourself, captured on camera looking at a woman's bottom before a race in which he won the gold medal.

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